In today's turbulent world where continuous change, daily stress and adversity are ever present, optimism is critical to living a healthy and productive life.
It's importance in leadership is also paramount. The ability to successfully navigate a highly competitive global marketplace requires leaders to be realistically optimistic. Skepticism is important and healthy, but it must be tempered with optimism to see opportunities and to energize a workforce to pursue and capitalize on the opportunity.
The following is a mindset frame that you can use to assess if you are perceiving a circumstance through an optimistic or pessimistic pair of glasses. If you notice that you are feeling powerless because the situation appears permanent and it has infected all aspects of your life, you have a pair of pessimistic glasses on. It's call the Permanent, Pervasive and Powerless view. But the reality is that most situations aren't this way. Most difficulties and adversities are Temporary, Isolated and Effort Possible. This is the TIE approach. This mindset and worldview keeps you energized, focused and feeling OPTIMISTIC. Try it out; put the TIE glasses on and re-assess your situation. It may take some practice, but the effort will be rewarding, and it just might get you that job or promotion you've been after.