Imagine if 69% of employees in your organization came down with chronic flu. Multiple employees are calling in sick and those who do come in barely have enough energy to make it through the day. No you didn’t miss a bulletin about the swine flu, and it does sounds surreal, but this is occurring every day and its called disengagement. I call it Chronic Human Wasting Disease ™ (CHWD).
CHWD means minutes, hours, weeks and months of unproductive time and projects stalled. These are all important issues, but the real unfortunate and dangerous aspect of this disease is not the lost minutes or down time; it’s that the relationships that you and your organization need to be successful are not working, both literally and figuratively. People are not engaged with their work, their leaders or their organization – they are wasting away at their desks!
The most recent study of workforce engagement found that only 31% of workers worldwide are engaged. This means that 69% are infected with CHWD. The study also found that 45% of employees are looking for healthier places to work. Leaders and organizations need people at their physical, emotional and intellectual peak, committed and aligned with the organization’s goals in order to meet the tough demands of the current business environment. Nobody can afford to have over half his or her workforce sick with the flu!
Relationship – Centered Leadership attacks the causes of CHMD. It is an approach to leadership that prevents the disease from incapacitating employees and hindering organizations’ ability to reach their potential.
The program Relationship – Centered Leadership will assist you in becoming a leader knowledgeable in the causes of CHWD and adept at recognizing its symptoms. Most importantly, it will provide you with strategies to build the professional relationships and climates that prevent this disease from infecting employees and wrecking havoc on productivity.
As a participant in this program you will recognize that by:
Applying the power of purpose
Leveraging trust
Employing your authentic presence and power of influence
Demonstrating your commitment and courage to live by your values; and
Practicing the principles of resiliency,
You will be able to stop, reverse and prevent Chronic Human Wasting Disease from threatening the human and organizational potential that is waiting to flourish in your organization.
Next opportunity to stop and prevent CHWD:
University of Richmond, Robins Business School’s Executive Education Center
February 9-10, 2011
For registration details contact: 804-289-8019
“Every individual is formed out of a relationship with others, rather than the long-held view that relationships are entered into by already formed individuals.” The Empathic Civilization.