Time: Sunday August 8, 2010
Location: The International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM), Vancouver, Canada.
Event Description: The Art and Science of Thriving in Turbulent Times : The Four Movements to High-Level Resiliency
Location: The International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM), Vancouver, Canada.
Event Description: The Art and Science of Thriving in Turbulent Times : The Four Movements to High-Level Resiliency

Recent history will be known for its global flux and turbulence, which has affected the structural underpinnings of our social, religious, educational, governmental and financial institutions and the fabric of life. To thrive in this climate it is imperative that we possess the highest levels or personal, professional, and organizational resiliency. This keynote will highlight a model that focuses on achieving this goal.
The Four Movements to High-Level Resiliency model integrates the concepts and skills of Salvatore Maddi’s 3C’s, Edward Deci’s Self-Determination Theory, William Bridges’ Transitions and emotional intelligence, which have demonstrated effectiveness in assisting individuals and organizations in sustaining their energy, clarity, focus, balance and courage to transform adversity into meaningful experiences that build competence and confidence in living a healthier, more satisfying and effective life. The Four Movements are: Emerging – Leaping – Landing – Launching
Emerging: The goal is to discover your story of resiliency and to emerge with a clearer vision of your authentic resilient-self. Reflecting back helps us gain an understanding of the story lines influencing how and why we perceive life and our reactions to these perceptions. This retrospective provides a basis for identifying changes that will aide us in achieving high-level resiliency and it is the embarkation point to the other Movements.
Leaping into a commitment to change – it is a decision to accept adversity and challenges as milestones in achieving your vision of the future. The focus is on exploring the power of commitment and purpose in your life.
Landing is where you experience life’s daily and on-going calls to growth and to explore your authentic resilient-self. Each day presents challenges and opportunities to put your resiliency into practice. It is in this movement that you build confidence and sophistication in transforming adversity into opportunity.
Launching is focused on building mastery and sustaining authentic relationships. The desire for mastery is not limited to vocational interests - it encompasses all aspects of your life. The focus is on becoming your authentic resilient-self. It is the quest for High – Level Resiliency.
The Four Movements to High-Level Resiliency model integrates the concepts and skills of Salvatore Maddi’s 3C’s, Edward Deci’s Self-Determination Theory, William Bridges’ Transitions and emotional intelligence, which have demonstrated effectiveness in assisting individuals and organizations in sustaining their energy, clarity, focus, balance and courage to transform adversity into meaningful experiences that build competence and confidence in living a healthier, more satisfying and effective life. The Four Movements are: Emerging – Leaping – Landing – Launching
Emerging: The goal is to discover your story of resiliency and to emerge with a clearer vision of your authentic resilient-self. Reflecting back helps us gain an understanding of the story lines influencing how and why we perceive life and our reactions to these perceptions. This retrospective provides a basis for identifying changes that will aide us in achieving high-level resiliency and it is the embarkation point to the other Movements.
Leaping into a commitment to change – it is a decision to accept adversity and challenges as milestones in achieving your vision of the future. The focus is on exploring the power of commitment and purpose in your life.
Landing is where you experience life’s daily and on-going calls to growth and to explore your authentic resilient-self. Each day presents challenges and opportunities to put your resiliency into practice. It is in this movement that you build confidence and sophistication in transforming adversity into opportunity.
Launching is focused on building mastery and sustaining authentic relationships. The desire for mastery is not limited to vocational interests - it encompasses all aspects of your life. The focus is on becoming your authentic resilient-self. It is the quest for High – Level Resiliency.